FEA Simulation Software - Free Consultation - Femto Engineering

Simulation software advice

We help you find the right simulation solution with a free software consultation session or with our customized simulation tools.

The value of simulation software

Do you need analyses and simulation software? No! But you need to be more efficient, design better products and be very cost conscience to stay competitive, and simulation software can definitely help with that. Some products have become so complex, evaluating multiple and conflicting design criteria, can be very challenging. Simulation software makes this easier by simultaneously evaluating multiple variables, against multiple values, and coming up with the best solution for your design. We offer free consultation on our Simcenter product portfolio.


Free consultation

The great thing about the Siemens Digital Industries Software solutions is that they are customizable and scalable to address your specific needs. At Femto Engineering we help with that because we focus on the sustained business value of your software investment. We want all the stakeholders and end-users to embrace the tools they use. We take pride in the services offered to accomplish this mission.

Schedule a free consultation!

Our consultation services


  • Free orientation consultation
  • Free demos
  • Free trials


  • Help with correct installation
  • On-premise implementation
  • Introduction trainings



  • Dedicated support engineers
  • Support-walk ins
  • Advanced and update trainings
  • Monthly e-mail updates with news, tips and tricks
  • Seminars and user meetings
  • Advice on customization and automation
  • Development of customer specific fit-for-purpose tools
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Über uns

Bei Femto Engineering unterstützen wir Firmen dabei, ihre innovativen Projekte zu verwirklichen: mit Engineering, Produktentwicklung, Software, Training, Support und F&E. Wir sind in den Benelux Ländern lizensierter Händler für Simcenter Femap, Simcenter Simcenter 3D, Simcenter Nastran, Simcenter Amesim, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ und SDC Verifier. Melden Sie sich bei uns und lassen Sie die FEM und CFD Tools für sich arbeiten.

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